Christian Merino

November 11th, 2011 ·
  • 2011 Grubman Financial High Hopes Scholarship recipient
  • University of California, Berkeley

I don’t want to face the same reality that my parents are currently facing. With limited skills, they have limited employment opportunities and struggle at times to pay for bills. They have given up their dreams in order to make a better tomorrow for their children. They have taught me the meaning of working hard and have given me the drive and motivation to keep on working hard to make a difference in my own reality and in the world. I know how fortunate I am to have so many opportunities at my disposal that they never had. They have been key supporters of my academic success, offering me moral, support and constantly reminding me how important it is to go to college. What I hope to accomplish in college is not only my goal of educating myself to pursue the career of becoming a doctor, but also to spread the happiness and joy I felt when I was in my internship. Discovering hidden talents that I never knew I had and realizing my calling as a helper to those in need, not only in America but to the world.

“He is driven and determined in a way that I have rarely seen. Yet he has remained thoughtful and soft spoken, not at all overbearing or arrogant. He is, without fail, a diligent, highly organized, and careful observer.”

Teacher, Berkeley High School
